-, reg_dict=None, wgt=None, ls=None, threshold_land=0.25)#
Extract all land grid points and area weights in regions and in land-sea mask for given threshold.
- Parameters:
var (dict) – nested variable dictionary with keys
[esm][scen] (4d array (run, time, lat, lon) of variable)
reg_dict (dict | None) – Deprecated. No longer has an effect.
wgt (np.ndarray) – 2d array (lat, lon) of weights to be used for area weighted means
ls (dict) – land sea dictionary with keys
[“grid_raw”] (2d array (lat, lon) of subsampled land fraction)
[“grid_no_ANT”] (grid_raw with Antarctica removed)
threshold_land (float, default=0.25) – threshold above which land fraction to consider a grid point as a land grid point
- Returns:
var_l (dict) – nested variable at land grid points dictionary with keys
[esm] (3d array (run, time, gp_l) of variable at land grid points)
reg_dict (dict) – Deprecated (empty dict).
ls (dict) – land sea dictionary with added keys
[“gp_l”] (1d array of fraction of land at land grid points)
[“grid_l”] (2d array (lat, lon) of fraction of land at land grid points)
[“idx_grid_l”] (2d boolean array (lat, lon) with land grid points = True for plotting on map)
[“grid_l_m”] (2d masked array (lat, lon) with ocean masked out for plotting on map)
[“wgt_gp_l”] (1d array of land area weights, i.e., area weight * land fraction)