- mesmer.calibrate_mesmer.train_gv(gv, targ, esm, cfg, save_params=True, **kwargs)#
Derive global variability parameters for a specified method.
- Parameters:
gv (dict) – Nested global mean variability dictionary with keys
[scen] (2d array (run, time) of globally-averaged variability time series)
targ (str) – target variable (e.g., “tas”)
esm (str) – associated Earth System Model (e.g., “CanESM2” or “CanESM5”)
cfg (config module) – config file containing metadata
save_params (bool, optional) – determines if parameters are saved or not, default = True
**kwargs (Any) – additional arguments, passed through to the training function
- Returns:
params_gv (dict) – dictionary containing the trained parameters for the chosen method / ensemble type
[“targ”] (emulated variable, str)
[“esm”] (Earth System Model, str)
[“method”] (applied method, str)
[“preds”] (predictors, list of strs)
[“scenarios”] (emission scenarios used for training, list of strs)
[xx] additional params depend on method employed, specified in
- Assumption
if historical data is used for training, it has its own scenario
add ability to weight samples differently than equal weight for each scenario