- mesmer.create_emulations.create_emus_lt(params_lt, preds_lt, cfg, concat_h_f=False, save_emus=True)#
Create local trends (i.e., forced response) emulations for given parameter set and predictors.
- Parameters:
params_lt (dict) – dictionary with the trained local trend parameters
[“targs”] (emulated variables, str)
[“esm”] (Earth System Model, str)
[“method”] (applied method, str)
[“method_each_gp_sep”] (states if method is applied to each grid point separately, bool)
[“preds”] (predictors, list of strs)
[“scenarios”] (emission scenarios used for training, list of strs)
[xx] (additional params depend on method employed)
[“full_model_contains_lv”] (whether the full model contains part of the local variability module, bool)
preds_lt (dict) – nested dictionary of predictors for local trends with keys
[pred][scen] (1d/2d arrays (time)/(run, time) of predictor for specific scenario)
cfg (module) – config file containing metadata
concat_h_f (bool, optional) – determines if historical and future time period is concatenated into a single emulation or not, default = False (must be set to False if no historical data provided)
save_emus (bool, optional) – determines if parameters are saved or not, default = True
- Returns:
emus_lt (dict) – local trend emulations nested dictionary with keys
[scen][“targ”] (2d array (time, gp) of local trend emulations)
- Assumptions:
same predictors for each target
if historical time period is included in predictors, it has its own dictionary key
if historical time period was included in training, it has its own scenario
either historical period is included for every scenario or for no scenario