- mesmer.calibrate_mesmer.train_gt(data, targ, esm, time, cfg, save_params=True)#
Derive global trend (emissions + volcanoes) parameters from specified ensemble type with specified method.
- Parameters:
data (dict) – nested global mean variable dictionary with keys for each scenario employed for training
[scen] (2d array (run, time) of globally-averaged variable time series)
targ (str) – target variable (e.g., “tas”)
esm (str) – associated Earth System Model (e.g., “CanESM2” or “CanESM5”)
time (np.ndarray) – [scen] (1d array of years)
cfg (module) – config file containing metadata
save_params (bool, default True) – determines if parameters are saved or not, default = True
- Returns:
params_gt (dict) – dictionary containing the trained parameters for the chosen method / ensemble type
[“targ”] (emulated variable, str)
[“esm”] (Earth System Model, str)
[“method”] (applied method, str)
[“preds”] (predictors, list of strs)
[“scenarios”] (emission scenarios used for training, list of strs)
[xx] (additional params depend on method employed)
- Assumptions:
All scens start at the same point in time
If historical data is present, historical data and future scenarios are transmitted as single time series
No perfect smoothness enforced at transition from historical to future scenario
No perfect overlap between future scenarios which share the same forcing in the beginning is enforced