


mesmer.create_emulations.create_emus_gv(params_gv, preds_gv, cfg, save_emus=True)#

Create global variablity emulations for specified method.

  • params_gv (dict) – Parameters dictionary.

    • [“targ”] (variable which is emulated, str)

    • [“esm”] (Earth System Model, str)

    • [“method”] (applied method, str)

    • [“preds”] (predictors, list of strs)

    • [“scenarios”] (scenarios which are used for training, list of strs)

    • [xx] (additional keys depend on employed method and are listed in train_gv_T_method() function)

  • preds_gv (dict) – nested dictionary of predictors for global variability with keys

    • [pred][scen] (1d/2d arrays (time)/(run, time) of predictor for specific scenario)

  • cfg (module) – config file containing metadata

  • save_emus (bool, optional) – determines if emulation is saved or not, default = True


emus_gv (dict) – global variability emulations dictionary with keys

  • [scen] (2d array (emus, time) of global trend emulation time series)


  • Assumptions:
    • if no preds_gv needed, pass time as predictor instead such that can get info about how many scenarios / ts per scenario should be drawn for stochastic part