- mesmer.create_emulations.create_emus_lv_OLS(params_lv, preds_lv)#
Create local variablity emulations with OLS.
- Parameters:
params_lv (dict) – dictionary with the trained local variability parameters
[“targ”] (variable which is emulated, str)
[“esm”] (Earth System Model, str)
[“method”] (applied method, str)
[“preds”] (predictors, list of strs)
[“scenarios”] (scenarios which are used for training, list of strs)
[xx] (additional keys depend on employed method)
preds_lv (dict) – nested dictionary of predictors for local variability with keys
[pred][scen] (1d/ 2d arrays (time)/(run, time) of predictor for specific scenario)
- Returns:
emus_lv (dict) – local variability emulations dictionary with keys
[scen] (3d array (emu, time, gp) of local variability in response to global variability emulation time series)
- Assumptions:
first submethod that gets executed (i.e., assumes can make a new emus_lv dict within this function)
all predictors in preds_lv are being used (ie no other part of method is allowed to have predictors)
OLS coefs are the same for each scenario