-, prod, lon, lat, cfg, sel_ref='native', ignore_nans=True)#
Load observations which you previously downloaded.
- Parameters:
targ (str) – target variable (e.g., “tblend”)
prod (str) – product (e.g., “best” or “cw”)
cfg (module) – config file containing metadata
lon (dict) – longitude dictionary with key
[“c”] (1d array with longitudes at center of grid cell)
lat (dict) – latitude dictionary with key
[“c”] (1d array with latitudes at center of grid cell)
sel_ref (str, optional) – selected reference period, (e.g., “native” (original one) or “esm” (the one of the esm))
ignore_nans (bool, optional) – if True global average = average across available gp, if False nan value if not all gps available
- Returns:
var (dict) – variable anomaly dictionary with keys
[obs] (4d array (run, time, lat, lon) of variable whereby run=1 because only a single realization of real world)
GVAR (dict) – area-weighted global mean variable anomaly dictionary with keys
[obs] (2d array (run, time) of globally-averaged variable anomaly time series)
time (np.ndarray) – 1d array of years